TitoloFormatoArea di interesseLinguaPubblicoFornitoreSolution AreaData
Unlocking Benefits: Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program and Partner Technical ConsultantsOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Analytics Azure Arc Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-11-26
Azure CSP Motion IncentiveOn-Demand Analytics Artificial Intelligence Azure Arc Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-11-21
SMB Solution Assessments for AzureOn-Demand Linux OSS DBs On Azure  SQL Server Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-11-14
Azure Migrate and Modernize Partner Led investments: Best Practices and StrategiesOn-Demand Linux Azure Arc OSS DBs On Azure  Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-11-05
Azure Virtual Desktop e Windows 365On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Microsoft 365 Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work 2023-01-26
Gli economics del Cloud: come calcolare correttamente il TCOOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-11-15
Azure Virtual Desktop e Windows 365On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-11-09
Scenari tecnologici e di pricing per fare evolvere il business SPLAOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Tecnico Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-11-08
Il business SPLA del futuroOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-25
Hosters' BootcampOnline Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Tecnico Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-25
Use it More, Sell it BetterOnline Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Tecnico Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-25
Azure Focused Solution AssessmentsOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-19
Amministrare, governare, proteggere e monitorare un cloud PC Windows 365On-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work 2022-05-31
Introduzione a Windows 365On-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work 2022-05-31
Creazioni di un cloud PC Windows 365On-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work 2022-05-31
Scenari avanzati e futuri in Windows 365On-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work 2022-05-31
Azure Infrastructure GTM Investments, Programs and IncentivesLearning Path Microsoft Fabric SQL Server Windows Server Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-04-05
Microsoft 365 Defender’s Unified Experience for XDROn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-09-30
Discover, monitor, manage and protect IoT with Azure DefenderOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-09-30
Integrate Azure Network Security with Azure Sentinel - 2da parteOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-09-30
Advanced e-discovery for Microsoft 365On-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-09-30
Design an intelligent Insider risk management solutionOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-09-30
Azure AD Identity: Authentication, Authorization and AdministrationOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-09-09
New Commerce Updates: What’s new in Azure Plan and timelines for Open License to CSP transitionOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Adoption & Change Management Inglese Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2021-06-09
Security Sailing 3 - Protect device with Microsoft Defender for EndpointOn-Demand Azure Stack Analytics Artificial Intelligence Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-04-01
Security Sailing 3 - Protect identity with Microsoft Defender for Identity and Microsoft CASBOn-Demand Azure Stack Analytics Artificial Intelligence Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-03-25
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Journey - Session 2 - Introduzione ad Azure Site RecoveryOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-12-23
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Journey - Session 1 - Azure Backup - Soluzioni a confrontoOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-12-16
Security Sailing 2: Azure File (authentication, authorization and sync)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-11-19
Security Sailing 2: Manage Apple Device with Microsoft Endpoint ManagerOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Compliance Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-10-15
Security Sailing 2: Manage Windows 10 Device with Microsoft Endpoint ManagerOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Compliance Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-10-01
Windows Virtual Desktop - Advanced Deployment - Part 1On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop - Advanced Deployment - Part 2On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop - Advanced Deployment - Part 3On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Windows Virtual Desktop Deployment Learning PathLearning Path Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
v-DaaS - Virtual Desktop as a ServiceLearning Path Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Security Sailing 3Online Microsoft 365 Security Secure Remote Work Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security
WVD+M365_Infographic_Cloud Security Partner-readyDownload Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Microsoft Azure Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security
WVD+M365_One Slide customer-readyDownload Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Microsoft 365 Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security
Valore del Servizio – Dettaglio TecnicoDownload Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Dashboard – Azure Virtual Desktop as a Service (Video)On-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Innovation Morning - MarchLearning Path Microsoft Azure Microsoft Teams DevOps Italiano Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution
Accelerate and Scale Azure & WVD with VMwareOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Accelerate WVD with ISV Solutions - EzeepOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
MSIX App AttachOn-Demand Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Innovation Morning FY22On-Demand DevOps Dynamics 365 Business Central IoT Italiano Vendite Microsoft Modern Work
Innovation Morning FY22 - Sessione 2On-Demand DevOps Dynamics 365 Business Central IoT Italiano Vendite Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation
6. Welcome e Intro - Sessione 2Download Microsoft Azure Microsoft Teams DevOps Italiano Vendite Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation
7. Ignite Announcements Identity Security Compliance - Sessione 2Download Microsoft Azure Microsoft Teams DevOps Italiano Vendite Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation
8. Ignite Announcements Modern Work - Sessione 2Download Microsoft Azure Microsoft Teams DevOps Italiano Vendite Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation
Grow your business with Microsoft Cloud Partner ProgramOn-Demand MCPP Adoption & Change Management Analytics Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
Microsoft Cloud Partner Program for Business ApplicationsOn-Demand Adoption & Change Management Analytics Artificial Intelligence Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
Navigating the requirements of the Microsoft Cloud Partner ProgramOn-Demand MCPP Adoption & Change Management Analytics Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
Windows 365 Cloud PC PillsLearning Path Microsoft 365 Security Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work
Shift to a Modern Desktop campaign assets (End of Support) - Sales GuideDownload Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Inglese Vendite Microsoft
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